Become a member of the WV Mushroom Club
Be the most interesting person at parties by becoming a member of the WV Mushroom Club! Since mushrooming is an all-ages activity, we offer a special rate for families.
Other member benefits include:
Access to monthly webinar speaker series
Entry into a raffle of all things mushroom
Early registration for the annual foray at Blackwater Falls (we anticipate that it will sell out)
Updates on regional forays
Updates on regional walks (free with membership)
Discounted rate to NAMA membership
Membership is good for one year from the date of purchase.
Memberships are
$25.00 for a single
$35.00 for a family
Clicking the button below will take you to our disclaimer page, and once you agree not to sue anyone if you eat a bad mushroom or hurt your ankle you can move on to the payment options.